It thirsts for and runs after all the world hoping they’d fill the void only the Christ can fill. It wants to be full and seeks to gather all he sees and wants but never lays hand on what it needs.His bright and covetous eyes see and hasten after what he defines as gold but fails to acknowledge the worth and glory of the Maker of all.
This life has a voice, a voice that sings notes so high; and glides over the mountain peaks. A voice that soothes and puts the sharks to sleep and the storms to rest; but the voice of the Christless life is unknown to the most High. This life fails to identify Who it needs.
Like the stage player it is, it gives alms that are flirted in the sight of all before it reaches the recipient. The gift the Christless life gives is centre-filled with pride and attracts no blessings. He never lets the alms reach out till he impresses the crowds with the size of his giving. He fails to identify the right attitude he needs to give.
The Christless life sometimes is found in church but cannot understand why his life needs full leading by the Spirit of the Holy One and the instructions of His Word. He hears the Words but never treasures them. He jumps from church to church and moral living to immoral gatherings. He’s full of duplicity. “How can I give all my life to Christ”- is the question he asks?
It is a life that flows, runs out and dies too soon. All its glories meet early death because it has lost its connection to the living spring. This life is so pride filled it would not go to the source of life to fill the emptiness it carries. Sometimes, it seeks to pay a bribe of good deeds as the price for his wretchedness, but he fails again and again. He never accepts who he needs to pay his debts. Nothing lasting can be done by the life that fails to accept the Christ who is the everlasting source of life in its fullness.
The sailor knows the value of a compass; dogs understand how much their lives on their masters depend. The dynamics of life teach us that our independence depends on others and concludes that we really are dependent beings created with needs. But the Christless life would understand none of these. In his concept of independence he keeps stepping deeper and farther into the slavery of the sin that’s in him.
It holds in high esteem the ways he thinks are right but never accepts what the Ruler says is righteous. The Christless life lacks the right view of eternity and would not accept that he was made by Christ for Christ and so cannot get rid of his curse without Christ.
The scene here ends and the curtains are drawn for the next phase. Another gate flies open and we’re on the border of another world with two great cities. The wise which looked foolish because they chose Christ are ready for the blessings, rewards of the King of the perfect city and joy unending with Him. The Christless life as always is proved less because it ends in the evil city of hopelessness forever.
If the Christless life accepts to become Christ filled, the void he struggled to fill all his life would be filled.