Love Revival: A Reminiscing and Hope

That your laughter looks like the feathers of a peacock, beautiful.
Your love is like gold that has passed through the furnace over and over again, real.
I wish we could run around with full energy and play in the beach sand.
If we could share chocolates again under the coconut tree shades
How I wish I could steal the remainder of your favourite ice-cream.
And yeah! I’d love to smell and pull your hair over and over again.
I want that unsuspecting kiss on the forehead,
And your fingers creeping around my shoulders playfully.
Can we relive these moments?
I beg if we could have these just one more moment before you run away.
Let not these moments be carried away by the whirlwind of destruction.
We’ve got to thrive beyond these frontiers.
I’d love to hold your hands, walk with you and lift you up again.
I’m not ready to let go.
We cannot forget our promises!
Whatever has come over us must pass over us so we’d regain our senses and fall in love again.
I’m loving you from the beginning again!πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜πŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆπŸ˜πŸ˜

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